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urnatur - you are nature

Large areas of Sweden are covered with forest.
Here we pick raspberries and mushroom.
Here we dream of sitting at a little camp fire…
Here you can be yourself, leaving the rush of the city behind.
You can feel your absolute presence. Scents. Reflect upon the light, the fresh moose prints.
A creak – you stop, listen, look around and wait a little moment before you proceed. Just like a roe deer. Just like the primitive human inside you.
Here at urnatur you can be in that kind of presence – a little longer…

urnatur – you are nature
Urnatur is about us humans and nature – and our relation to each other.
By living a life closer to nature we also learn a lot of ancestral wisdom and about ourselves.
In the end we are all part of nature. We are nature. You are nature.
Without the forest, we could not live. Without the forest, we could not survive.
It is not long since we abandoned the forest for a modern life.
It used to give us shelter, timber, firewood, raw materials for all sorts of tools and other items. There we could hunt, gather mushrooms and berries and other edibles, it used to be our pharmacy …
The forest was our home. Here we were safe.
Sure, we may have changed a bit on the surface, but our heart, soul and our genes are unchanged. No wonder we feel so good in the woods!
Reclaim old skills and insights!
Here at Urnatur you can learn a lot about the forest, experience the forest with all your senses and get closer to your ancient self.
What makes us to humans?
Among other things, the ability to use tools and with them create other tools
– and the ability to make fire. With the knife, axe, saw, hand and brain power our ancestors created a life in the Scandinavian wilderness.
Do you dream of a simpler and more nature-oriented life?
Then a visit at Urnatur might be great start to rewind and rewild yourself!

eco tourism & biodiversity farming
Eco tourism
A visit at Urnatur also means you are contributing to maintain biodiversity at our place and counteracting climate change – provided you have traveled climate-smart to our place…
It is thanks to Urnatur and eco tourism – and you – that we have been able to take care of this land, restoring and preserving this landscape to much of its previous beauty, with plenty of flowers, berries, mushrooms and birds.
This is really a win-win effect. The farm and Urnatur are really deeply interconnected. At the same time we cannot expect that every small scale farmer also is willing or has the time to also work with eco tourism and has a background as a biologist and forester with knowledge about conservation, rewilding and preservation. Therefore we need to find other ways to finance and motivate farmers to work with biodiversity if we want the change we so much need.
When talking about Urnatur the focus has always been on the tourism part with its huts and treehouses. Now is the time to pause to be able to focus on the farm and our work for biodiversity instead. We hope you will follow along us in this process.
biodiversity farming
We want our little farm Sjögetorp to be a living organic farm, with animals grazing the natural ancient pastures. With time our ambition is to both keep and maximize biodiversity in all ecosystems on the farm. There is no real word for doing this yet – therefore I started to call it biodiversity farming. We call ourselves producer of biodiversity.
We keep the old breed “pälsfår”, a kind of sheep with the most beautiful silvery grey curly skins and tasty meat. Without the sheep, our dexter cows and Russian basjkir horses we could not maintain the rich biodiversity of this place.
We like to use local traditional materials and techniques. Therefore Håkan has built about 5 km of beautiful traditional “gärdesgård” fences that border our pastures and fields. They are made of natural materials only: spruce, sprucetwigs and juniper. Thanks to working with tourism we can afford to put some extra time on nature preservation. A win-win situation for both nature, our guests and us.
urnatur gallery
Fredrik Pusa
Eric James McDermot
Linus Bergman
urnatur / Ulrika Krynitz
our shop and designs

In our shop you will find our textiles,
but also finest sheep skins from our farm
The nature of our beautiful North has inspired to
form & color, pattern & nuances, lights and shades
Welcome to botanize amongst mosses and bark beetles,
jelly fish and algae, wind and water, ice and snow…
designed by Ulrika Krynitz for urnatur
our wood hermitage - a brief urnatur history
What is the Wood hermitage?
The Wood Hermitage is part of Urnatur where all the huts and treehouses are. It is a 500m walk from the farm up to the woods. In the hermitage there is no electricity or internet. If it gets cold in the cottage, you light the fire in the stove, when it gets dark, you light candles & lantern. It is a. little confusing with the different names – that is why we mostly just talk about “Urnatur”.
How the Wood hermitage and Urnatur came to be
When we, forester Håkan Strotz and biologist / designer Ulrika Krynitz, bought the small farm Sjögetorp in 1993 we had no big plans really. It was the scenic beauty that brought us here. With strong shared interests in nature, crafts, ethnobiology, survival, design, self-sustainability and cooking, the project slowly but surely took form. First in our thoughts, then in practice.
After several years of practical experience with courses, seminars, lectures, kick-offs, exhibits, craft festivals and other events we felt we were lacking beds for overnights. It was a good excuse for Håkan who always wanted to try timbering. The original idea was to offer a fantastic nature experience to our parent’s generation, with their demands for a good night’s sleep, and to city people who might not have so much nature experience if any. But also of course for already converted nature lovers from all over the world.
Nobody believed in this really. “People need their WC and TV …” and it was difficult to communicate our vision as there excisted nothing similar. People from the village kept asking about the stone-age village and viking-housings when we finally decided this place would need a unique name – as a statement of something new: the “wood hermitage” was born.
hermitage: “a place for reflection”
The luxury of simplicity
“You can’t describe the wood hermitage in words. You have to see it and experience it.”
That is a recurrent comment from visitors who return bringing their friends, colleagues and family to our facilities. Here, in the Holaved forest, you can enjoy the luxury of simplicity, living in unique hand-crafted cottages, or in a tree house, without electricity. Sit down by the fireplace and enjoy the moment. The soft light of the kerosene lamp and the scent of boiled coffee readily guide you to intimate conversations, far from everyday pressures.
Cooking over the open fire with fresh vegetables from the garden adds to the nature adventure as well as the canoes, wild water swimming and sauna.
artist in nature projects at urnatur
We believe that art is one way of strenghtening peoples experience of nature.
Therefore we like the idea of involving art and artists.
– komorebi – 木漏れ日 – by Gabriele Kubo – 2017
komorebi : “the sunshine filtering through the leaves of trees”
Gabriele Kubo, a German florist master, living in Japan, made a longtime dream come true:
to arrange flowers naturally right into the earth.
Thanks to Gabrieles low flower table, inspired by Japan, you come closer to all the mosses and little plants that grow all around you and get aware of the small subtile details – like the gorgeous shadows. In the middle of the forest Gabriele created this magic space to experience the forest with its ever changing and chasing sun rays and shadows: Komorebi.
Komorebi is a beautiful unique Japanese word that cannot be translated with just one word. Komorebi (木漏れ日), means the sunshine filtering through the leaves of trees. It is also mentioned as the interplay between the light and the leaves which is observed especially on the ground. It really is this game of chasing lights and shadows that is so fascinating – and so difficult to catch on a photo. Here is a place to experience it yourself with mindfulness, awareness – and a lot of fun.
Urnaturs Komorebi is a place for creativity.
All our guests are invited to get involved: To water the table if needed, to decorate it and to use it.
With the small hidden vases that are stuck into the earth the atmosphere and feeling can be changed quickly and flowers from the meadows suddenly can flower in the middle of the forest.
The rest is left to your phantasy.
Summertime at 12.30, Komorebi will be there if you are lucky and the sun is not hidden by clouds. Hope you will be there, too!
– the dormouse nest – by Hannes Wingate – 2014
Hannes sees the nest as a symbol of the individuals power to both decide what it needs and wants to create, based on a deep relationship and understanding of the land. Using the nesting process of birds as a creative strategy. Found materials, the discarded, flimsy and valueless, are fused together to create structure, space and often beauty. The making of the nest connects its maker and user to the land where it was made. As such it is a strategy to connect to nature and to places in much the same way as we have created shelter and homes for most of history.
In the increasingly disconnected and abstract world this strategy or effect becomes in many ways more important than the object itself.
The nest symbolizes the basic needs: proximity, sense of context and creativity.
Hannes Wingate believes that being connected to nature changes us and lays a foundation upon which we make better decisions. It raises memories of being a child or in many cases living more simply or closer to the land.